Hi , my names Summer Hodges (Ashcroft)
I am a wife of one year to a very hard working , family devoted man who took my heart 7 years ago. Together we have two beautiful children
Wyatt Lyndon – our blue eyed , blonde hair , very busy , tractor mad but such a warm loving , caring soul , son who is 2.
Sadie Linda – Our absolutely gorgeous, smiley , happy little girl who is so much full of character already and just 4 months old.
Paul and I have a love for sheep .. the sheep industry in general. We meet each other in the shearing sheds a little over 7 years ago and when we’re not being swamped by the daily grind you’ll find us competing all around the South Island in woolhandling and shearing competitions. With Paul’s job as a shearer means we have to go where the work is as there isn’t all year round work here in reefton. So we choose to travel as a family and just make it work. This way we all get to be together.
We are currently saving to buy a farm here in Reefton, something we both have dreamed of doing for such a long time. It’s extremely important to me that my kids get to grow up around their pop.. (my dad).
So please bare with me as I discover the world of “blogging”.
Leave your heart open , your judgment at the door and let’s just be real.