Take a walk with me … a walk that could become long , dark and lonely for some
But a walk I must take to find peace and happiness again… to rediscover the passion and drive I once had.. before mum got sick.. before mum was taken from us. Before my world was turned upside down.
I want to talk about the things that aren’t often Spoken.. the thoughts and feelings that fill my body everyday.. I want to share what gets me through and how I cope. I want to be open and honest.. I want for someone who is going thought the same or a similar situation to relate to the words I write , the feelings I have , the sadness I carry.
I want to make the best out of a shit situation.. maybe my blog will be someone’s savour.. maybe there’s someone out their who feels like people can’t possibly understand what they are going though , or could never relate to how they feel. Maybe that person is drowning in their own sorrow and thoughts because they feel like they can’t talk about it.. or they don’t know how.. I hope they read my blog and see they are not alone. I hope I can help someone or if not.. I hope I can help myself.
I hope I can encourage others to talk.
Here is a quick insight on the topics I want to take about.
. Watching someone you love die
. Where is mum now / life after death
. Looking after dad
. Hiding your feelings because you think no one will understand
. Loneliness
. Different stages of grief
. Anger towards the world
Everything I write (blog) about is from my own personal experience, I’m not trying to get sympathy I just want to share my story… my mums story… our families journey. To encourage others to talk about it. We need to talk.. we have to. It’s the only way. Sometimes saying it out loud or writing it down is all we need to do. We just need to get though. Day by day. Week by week , month by month and eventually year by year.
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